Unfortunately, you are the only person who can control what you do here. You might decide that 50 is the maximum of your total capital that you are going to trade with, for example. Ensure you settle on a figure that leaves you enough to slowly build your finances back up with less risky trades should things go wrong.When you become an experienced trader you might also be able to acquire portfolio margin. This is essentially a credit line that allows you to trade more than what you have. Beware that you need to prove you are a successful trader in order to do this, however, as no one is going to give you 600 of your capital to trade with if you cannot prove a return is more than likely.However, you need to know that, while you can learn about binary options trading reasonably quickly, it is a little bit like learning to drive, in that what you learn after learning, and gain through experience, is what really matters. Experienced binary traders are still learning about what they do, even today. If you start exploring binary trading, think you might have an opportunity to start options trading for a living, but then get disheartened, think realistically. It takes years to become an expert trader, although if you dedicated an hour or two each day to learning about the different platforms and understanding how it works, you would probably find yourself in a position to start trading for a living after 9 12 months, depending on how quickly you learn.If you do not have time to learn all about binary options trading for yourself, then it is unlikely you will be able to make a living from it. However, if you can find a reliable, proven to be successful broker, then you will have the opportunity to make an incremental income from binary trading, although you will need to account for broker commissions and any costs associated with using their trading platform, if you still want access for yourself.Trading options for a living is certainly realistic, but anyone who wishes to do this must understand that it is not as simple as it sounds. To make an amount of money that would sustain even the most frugal and low-expense lifestyles, it will take a great deal of commitment to learning about binary options trading, as well as effort and desire to actually go and do it, and to deal with the successes as well as the losses when they occur.If you are already participating in binary trading as a hobby or on a casual basis, you will need to refocus your thinking before starting to do it for a living. Do not feel pressured or rushed into doing it if you want to take the time to learn. Global markets and binary trading options are going to be here forever, so if you do not learn about trading in 9 12 months, you can continue picking up knowledge far beyond that.IQ Option was set up in the year 2013 and they have been in the market since then, slowly gaining the trust and reliability of its traders. Now it has reached to such heights that it is one of the most renowned brokers in the industry, mainly known for its creativity and unique approach to the binary options trades. IQ Option soon became the talk of the town as it gave the traders an opportunity to trade in the most unique form possible.So by now you have heard it so many times that IQ Option is unique, that it is different. So you might be asking yourself: how is it different This is something to consider. IQ Option provides the same or more tools than other platforms, but it presents them to you in a much slender fashion, so that you can easily get hold of the toughest selections on the platform. For example, instead of the classic way of choosing assets, it will provide you a tab section from where you can choose your assets. There will be a drop down menu on the right hand side where you can view all the assets and use them uniquely.Each platform has at least one of the things that make it unique and different from the rest of the trading platforms. The IQ Option Login and Trading Platformis no different. In fact, it has more than one feature which makes it unique. One of the first things that deserve a mention is the fact that it allows its traders to trade in the same chart all at a time. This means that multiple traders can trade on the same chart at the same time.This tactic is useful when the traders are adopting fencing in strategy. The traders can also easily view their purchase from the perspective of new highs and lows with respect to their assets. They can compare more number of assets and also partake in the 60 seconds type trading, which not many brokers offer.So what type of accounts can you open here Everyone knows that one can open a trading account with IQ Option with the lowest amount that is just 10 dollars. Thats right Normally the brokers do not allow the opening of an account without 200 to 250 dollars, but IQ Option is unique in that aspect and they offer high value for opening an account. This is why most new traders just seize this opportunity and get started with them.IQ Option is relatively new compared to other brokers out there but it has gained the reliability of the traders by winning numerous awards and has already become regulated. So there is no question of it scamming traders, as already revealed in our IQ Option Scam Inspection. Apart from that, it has new features and a refreshing trading style. If you are a seasoned trader and you want to try something new, we suggest you go for it.The fast-moving nature of binaries and sprints provides the possibility of short-term gains, alongside any potential losses. Although they are limited risk, you should be aware that there is still the potential to make substantial losses as well as gains.1The fast-moving nature of binaries and sprints provides the possibility of short-term gains, alongside any potential losses. Although they are limited risk, you should be aware that there is still the potential to make substantial losses as well as gains.The priceyou pay reflects the likelihood of the event happening as set by our trading desk based on the behaviour of the underlying market and the time remaining until expiry.