If you have the comfort of using two monitors or two devices at the same time, receiving the signals by email may be your best bet as it allows you to get the signal on one monitor while accessing trading platform on the other. This will allow you to execute those trades very easily. But if dont have an extra monitor you really want to consider receiving your signals through Skype. Time is money have never been so true a minute long procrastination could cost you the win itself You could also be offered to get signals on your phone (SMS) but its not very effective due to high risk of missing/misunderstanding a signal. Consider your providers performance and trading history. You can determine the success rate of a signal provider by overlooking their performance and trading history. It would be a good idea to search their website for it (most of them have it present even on their social network pages) or even ask their support . As a company, we have a policy to know the history and performance of our providers before we commit to make a deal with them and recommend them to our readers. Another important factor for you to consider while choosing is to make sure you can terminate the service anytime or at least by the end of each month. This will give you a way to bail out in case you are not fully satisfied with the service.Risk Disclosure : BinaryOptionStrategy does not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this websitethis includes educational material, price quotes, signals data, trade ideas, and analysis.Please be aware of the risks associated with trading the financial markets never invest more money than you can risk losing.The risks involved in trading binary options are high and may not be suitable for all investors Binary Option Strategy doesnt retain responsibility for any trading losses you might face as a result of usingthe data hosted on this site.The data and quotes contained in this website are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers. So prices may be different fromexchange prices and may not be accurate to real time trading prices. They are supplied as a guide to trading rather than for trading purposes.Binary Options Signals are definitely worth it, but only if you can find a reputable signal provider. Just imagine that you no longer have to do the hard work yourself, as you will get the best predictions and clues from the signals software. Using a good provider is a vital part of your binary options strategy if you are looking to make serious money. Even if you dont always follow the signals, they will still come in handy, because as least you will have a second opinion.Signal software analyze popular assets, giving you clues and predictions about these, helping you make a better decision. There are two types of signal software: the ones that give you ideas about trades with a possibly positive outcome or the ones that do the trade for you, automatically. These automatic trading robots are connected with the broker, so you dont really have to do anything.Success rate/Reputation: You should be looking for reviewed signal providers (see below) and dont just buy any software you find on the internet. As said before there are a lot of scam sites out there, so its best to follow somebodys advice (like ours ) who has already tested these.We have heard of providers who send buy signals to 50 of their subscribers and sell signals to the other 50. This way one of them is going to win and the other half will lose. This will result in very positive reviews on the one hand, and very bad reviews on the other hand.Based on our experiences and the experience of other traders, we found that Binary Options Robot is the best binary options trading signal platform. They have a great and easy to use interface, and unique features like trading even when you are not online. You can set the number of trades you want to complete for each day. This means that you could be making money even when you are at work.No download is needed, you just have to setup your account. Its not recommended to use 60 Second Trades with Binary Option Robot, because the success rate is really low in this case. However if you use 15 minutes or more expiry times then the platform has a success rate of 65-70. The maximum success rate we got with the software was 82.Als Weihnachtsgeschenk gibt es von uns eine Stunde kostenlose Videoberatung fr Ihre Nonprofit-Organisation. In dieser Stunde knnen Sie absolut alles fragen, was das Thema Video angeht. Ob Sie Sich eine neue Videoausrstung zulegen wollen, planen ein Video herzustellen oder versuchen ein existierendes Video besser im Internet zu platzieren, wir helfen gerne weiter (ach ja: Es gibt wirklich keinen Haken). Sofern Sie Ihr Bro in Berlin haben kommen wir gerne dort vorbei. Termine mssen bis zum 31. Januar 2012 ausgemacht werden und Pltze sind limitiert, also melden Sie Sich mglichst baldFilm4Change frdert den strategischen Einsatz von Video zur Durchsetzung von sozialem und politischem Wandel. Zu diesem Zweck helfen wir Organisationen des ffentlichen und tertiren Sektors das Medium Video effektiver einzusetzen. Wir produzieren Videos, fhren relevantes Training durch und beraten Nonprofit-Organisationen in allen Fragen der strategischen Videokommunikation. Auerdem sind wir dabei ein Netzwerk von NGO-VertreterInnen aufzubauen, das Strategien zur optimalen Verbreitung von Webvideos diskutieren und erarbeiten soll. Film4Change ist seit November 2011 in Berlin ansssig und hat auerdem einen Sitz in London. Mehr Infos...Essentially, binary options signals are timely trade recommendations provided to binary options traders by signal providers. These signal providers can either be companies, professional traders or third-party providers. Irrespective of the source, all binary option signals carry some similar information. For instance, a typical signal will notify a trader of the underlying asset, the kind of trade to place, the contracts expiration date/time and the strike price of the contract. Binary options signals are commonly used by novice traders or traders who have limited time to evaluate the financial markets on their own. Since binary options signals are simply trading advices, traders can either choose to follow them or ignore them.