It actually depends on a large number of factors. First youwill need to determine what type of a trader you are. You will also need to calculate how much time do you spend daily managing your trades and when doing so are you constantly looking for opportunities.You will need to address all of the mentioned factors when making your trade parameters and when deciding in your strategy. The result is not the same for every person and depending on the mentioned factors you will be able to devise your personal strategy.People interested in stock markets who are able to interpret earning statements will most likely have a lot of success dealing with those and certainly need to choose that as their primary asset. On the other hand, if your knowledge lies with macroeconomics you may choose commodities or even currencies (Forex) as your go to assets.For certain assets there are some events which require of you to be able to trade during them, making you less prone of wining. This may occur during weekly inventories reports in oil or when major banks conduct their meetings, resulting in a shift with currencies. Being able to safely trade during these events will enable you to win big.People who are skilled in numbers or rather math, often choose the technical method because it allows them to read the charts quicker and with more understanding. People who like to take a more cognitive approach to the problem will often choose the fundamental analysis which will allow them to assess the economic data with ease.On the other hand, most traders use a combination of the two strategies giving them an additional edge. Many binary option traders would wait for an economic event to create an overall bias and use the technical chart analysis to exactly in which direction the price is going to move.Formulating your trading strategy is a very difficult task, with guessing the correct future price of an asset as even more complicated. The best way to enhance your chances of guessing correctly is by breaking down the process into component parts where most of the elements will be based on your investment needs.You will certainly use your strengths to achieve better results and play it safe by using the parts you are the most familiar with. But the best way to achieve success is to combine the strategies and be an all-around trader. This would mean that you need to combine the conservative strategy of trading with longs term trades with an extended time frame with a more aggressive approach of bidding on high risk trades. You will need to up your game and evolve as a trader to achieve success. Additionally, no matter which avenue you choose, there is an accompanying strategy that can be matched to your trading character.What are Boundary Options amp How can you maximize your profitability by trading boundary options A boundary option gives investors the ability to trade based on the underlying assets closing price by expiration time. You can either choose in bounds or out of bounds. The tricky and difficult aspect of boundary options are the constantlyhellip Read MoreIn binary options trading there are two aspects that should not be overlooked. On the one hand we have the information, which can an interesting advantage when operating. Pay special attention to any information that affects the market and especially to analyze the factors that influence both directly and indirectly in the price fluctuations ofhellip Read MoreIn binary options market you win sometimes and sometimes you lose. And most of the time what makes the difference is the strategy you use.The ability and discipline are two important factors that every trader should have, but investment tactics will you use what you really provide those benefits. The Investment Plan One of thehellip Read MoreDo not be alarmed. On the first impression the name binary options may sound a bit intimidating to every newbie, but the truth is that its not and that binary options are actually a simpler way of trading than Forex is. Besides being similar in all sorts of ways, binary options and traditional options havehellip Read MoreSome people may get confused in whether binary options are a form of gambling. One of the main differences which differentiate it from a form of gambling is that in binary options you need a strategy which you will follow in order to succeed, while in mere betting the only thing you rely on ishellip Read MoreWith binary options trading, we can use many different tools and take advantage of psychology when trading. Depending on the investment objectives you have, the level of risk youre willing to take to achieve those goals, you will make better use of strategies. The psychology as a trading strategy we will try to explain ishellip Read MoreSome time ago the binary options trading became a very interesting alternative to give a boost to our portfolio and provide a greater return on capital in the short term. Binary options are characterized by high rates of return offered, which can mean a huge profits investing itself is achieved certain criteria. One thing tohellip Read MoreBinary options area completely new way of trading on the market and as such is more than liable to be getting the attention of regulatory services. With its rise in popularity it has only recently started to gain the attention of such regulators. Each day there are more and more brokers who offer their serviceshellip Read MoreThe platform offers investors a way to profit from correct, short term predictions of some underlying asset (stocks, commodities, currencies, indices) price movement by buying binary options on that asset.In this form of trading, there are two possible outcomes:either the price of the asset will rise above the current entry rate or fall below the entry rate.If the prediction made in the specified time frame was correct, this is referred to as in-the-money, or a successful trade, if the prediction was incorrect, the trade is unsuccessful, out-the-money.Also referred to as Digital Options, Binary Options became available as a method of investing in the financial markets since 2008. It is a simple way of making money off the financial market that anyone can comprehend.