And as a beta tester, you are entitled to 4 more licenses as well so you can seed 4 more autoprofit systems and have 6k profit and start the journey anew 4 timesIn fact, lets have a look at the fly-by-night scam bots that plague the net. We know as a fact that each and every single offer opens between 5 and 15,000 new accounts with brokerages Then almost every day, a new binary robot is launched into the data highway.Abdullha Bin Jabbar or ABJ as called by many of his western friends or Bdalah, as called by Harvard Business School buddies made his fortune by rightly and solidly investing inherited wealth from his family Oil Export business. Being the eldest of 12 sons in the Bin Jabbar (Jaber) familys Kuwaiti branch he received a proper business education in Harvard Business School. That is where he met Michael Jacobs SportsMavin and the rest of the future VOL1 Alpha Beta Testers.Mr Bin Jabbars understanding the importance of improving and upgrading financial tools employed by masses as well by an institutions was the core of his motive to become part of the VOL1 project (now called 100percentprofitbot) Like other Alpha Testers he made available 30,000 for an initial Wave ZERO Beta Testing stage.After reaching the financial goal of the Wave ZERO Beta Testing stage by doubling the initial bankroll after 20 trading days - stretched over 34 calendar days since the trading was not conducted every day at that stage - the system began initiating the withdrawal of half the profits by directing ABJ and other beta testers to place a withdrawal request. That directive was issued by VOL1 Money Management Console. Following that directive withdrawal requests were placed and executed.ABJ continued to cooperate with VOL1 project and enrolled into the next stage of Beta Testing Wave ONE. At this stage Michael Jacobs divided the tasks between his Alpha Testers and ABJs was assigned to have a total sum of 5,000 over 4 for brokers. ABJ placed arequest within Bloombex, Market Options and Bee Options to limit his automatically traded funds to 1,250 in each account and deposited another 1,250 into UK Options turning an initial bankroll into 5,000 equally divided between 4 broker accounts.On 04/08/2014 the initial bankroll of 5,000 was doubled into 10,009.50 and 2,504.75 (half the profit) were withdrawn into ABJ Wells Fargo bank account from BEEOPTIONS LTD (Bee Options) which after bank transfer fees became 2,475.25.After another loop of doubling the bankroll and withdrawing half the profited sum on 04.10.2014 the sum of 5,569.10 was received into a bank account after deducting the bank transfer fees.Hiroshi Takei a London based financier of Japanese roots - one of Takeis scattered around the world, running a family Commodity Trading empire is a modest family person who needed to be persuaded to make his details and financial venture involving VOL1 available publicly. We also like to thank Mr Takei for sharing his global financial vision with us publicly.In Mr Takeis own words: the global economy today is really how it sounds global. Consumers all over the world are moving the economy in unison and in order to cope with ever growing expenses embedded into growing consuming one has to make sure that his income grows in accordance with his consuming needs. Once it was opposite the income was driving consumerism. Today the consumerism is driving income and in order to create a harmony between the two we have to create financial tools to make it happen. VOL1 (100percentprofitbot) is exactly that tool and the financial markets will have to adjust themselves the sooner the better to a more capable and smarter trader. That will create the necessary financial balance that is so absent today Mr Takeis close friendship with Michael Jacobs and the other Alpha testers goes way back to Harvard days. So, when approached by Michael to participate in the VOL1(alpha) project Mr Takei did not think for long and made his funds and expertise available.Leonid Semenovski or as most of his Russian followers know him LeonTK is a prominent and somewhat controversial figure when it comes to his private life. His real life dramas were made public by him and the public demanded more. But more than drama the public of his followers as well as he himself were set on journey to see if 100profitbot (VOL1) and its trading strategy would first of all bring him dividends, and after that - how easy or difficult will be the process of getting the winnings to his bank account.But on 1st of September he requested a withdrawal of 20,000 from OptionRally and also placed a more modest 10,000 withdrawal request with VulkanTrade.The waiting period was filled with non believers and doubters after LeonTK refused to make his bank statements public but by a public demand and a personal request from a site operator where he was being followed and became kind of a Superstar he finally posted it.Fortunately, Mr Semenovski is holding to his vigil to stay alcohol free and his life is day by day a battle in that field but that battle isa thousand fold easier knowing he has the financial security allowing him all the freedom to look after the most important asset in life health.On top of this, each withdrawal will be limited to under 10,000 dollars, and the bot will ask you to withdraw between 8k and 9.9k in randomized amounts. By the time you reach the big numbers, withdrawing your profits will be a job on its own with up to 8 brokerages that youll be working with simultaneouslyWeve basically laid everything bare right in front of your eyes. We explained the methodology of how the bot trades, and why it can not be done manually (broker limits, rememeber), why it has never been done before (no multi broker bot exists to this date)...Remember: 95 of people are always going to lose. They will seek the next big opportunity that promises millions overnight, and they will keep on blowing money out of the window. But you are at a crossroads here.