You will know what the return is before making the investment. You can get returns for your investment from as high as 91 and above with the lowest being 65. This provides a good opportunity to get high returns in a short time of even 60 seconds.When trading, you do not own the assets. Your role is to predict the direction in which the asset will move in the market for a particular duration of time. The value of the asset may rise or fall and your returns will depend on the prediction you had made. The amount of change in the value of the asset is not important since the returns do not change, whether the change is high or low. You can trade at any time and there are no extra charges and commissions.Your foray into options trading will be more successful if you choose the right trading platform or binary options broker. Making sure you have the right trading platform or broker involves reading reviews and doing research to make sure the one youve chosen is reliable. With 7binaryoptions, this work is already done for you. A comprehensive list of the best brokers and trading platforms is available to you when trading with 7binaryoptions, along with helpful hints on the best way to choose the right platform for your needs.Youre getting into investing because you want to earn the best returns possible on your investments. With the trading robot software available at7binaryoptions, every trade will be carried out automatically online. High returns are understandably your goal, and having a competent trading robot will allow you to make the most of your investments. The trading robot software has a very high win rate, about 83, so using it for trading will greatly increase your odds of completing successful trades on a regular basis. When you trade using the robot, you do not need any previous knowledge of the platform or binary options trading.When you will trade, you should take advantage of signal services. These services will sent trading signals via SMS text message to your phone or in an email. These signals let you know whether an assets price is expected to move and in which direction over the following three hours. Signals are extremely useful in trading and are an essential tool for anyone looking to trade binary options successfully. Whether you are an advanced trader or youre just starting out, binary options signals give you the tools to make informed decisions before investing.While no system of trading is foolproof, our signals services exhibit the highest win rates with an accuracy of 70 or more. Signals are extremely useful in situations where you cannot be advised of ongoing developments on the market and need information to make decisions on trading. The software responsible for the signal has been used by investors for nearly a decade, and analyzes a variety of data from various sources in order to provide an informed signal software.The answer is simply: theyare not a scam. 7binaryoptions makes trading easy for you. Binary options trading offers excellent returns for investors, some as high as 91 or more the lowest returns are in the range of 65, allowing for trading opportunities with very high returns in as little as a single minute. Your risks and returns are known prior to your investment this makes it relatively easy to get into the market without a large amount of investment required. Binary options trading has the potential to allow you to become financially independent.Binary options trading is a relative newcomer as far as market trading options are concerned. They were first approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in 2008 and they are now openly traded online in what have become known as binary option trading platforms or brokers.Part of the appeal of trading them is their simple win or lose scenario on the trade and the fact you will know how much you risk and how much you stand to profit before you even place your trade. It sounds simple, but in reality where moving markets are concerned, it is anything but simple. That is why 7binaryoptions is here to help.7binaryoptions is here to provide you with the most useful and important information regarding binary options and forex trading you will find online today. We seek to do this by providing you with very useful information that will significantly improve your trading knowledge. On here you will find information about the different types of trading strategies, comprehensive guides, fresh binary options articles and news from the markets.Binary options are typically categorized as a somewhat complex, exotic trade options, but in reality they are extremely simple to utilize and understand the way they work. 7binaryoptions will give you an in depth look at the trading tools that are currently available and teach you how to use and apply them to make successful trading decisions.Dont be fooled by what you hear, binary options trading requires very little experience. There is a common misconception that to be successful at option trading, a person must have a lot of knowledge of the markets and binary options trading in particular, that is hardly the case. With that being said, you still need to learn the strategies that will help you consistently make profit on your trades.7binaryoptions is your informational source for information and explanations of all of the trading strategies. These will help you learn to predict the most essential requirement of trading, which direction an asset price will trend. If you can learn to make trades that correctly predict which direction an assets price will take, then you will consistently make profit on your trades.You can hardly be a successful trader if you dont know where to go to place your trades. It is imperative that you are able to use more than one brokers website and learn to use the different tools that each one has to help you make successful trades.With over 400 trading platforms online, it would be a nearly impossible task for you to visit and review each one. No worries here because we have done a lot of the work for you. We feature updated reviews and information on many of the top binary options trading brokersthat can be found online today.Strategies are great, but they are not much use if you dont know how to look for key signals on the various technical analysis charts.