Questa strategia veniva impiegata per minimizzare le perdite.Il senso della strategia prevede un determinato investimento iniziale che se non rende e si chiude in perdita, la volta successiva dovr essere raddoppiato. Ci va fatto affinch qualsiasi successivo investimento non si limiti a coprire le perdite precedenti ma procuri altres un profitto.Anche se cercherai semplicemente di indovinare e le tue probabilit di esito favorevole saranno del 5050, prima o poi indovinerai e il profitto procurato da questo investimento coprir tutte le precedenti perdite. Proprio per questo motivo il principio di trading basato sulla stratega Martingale vene considerato il pi sicuro e redditizio, ma anche il pi rischiosoHere is the full list made public by the Belgian FSMA: Futurmarket, BanqofBroker, Royal De Bank, Colbert Capital, Privilege Trading, Binaritrading, COB Trading, Optionavigator, OptionsXO, Cardell Co limited, YAampCo Capital limited, COampH limited, CEA Finance, FXObank, Binary Forex Market VIP, BarclaysBroker, AGFMarkets, ICMarkets (Invest Capital Markets), Prime FMS, Metacapital Option, FXNTrade and Scottoption.The regulator highlights the risks associated with trading OTC binary options and forex and explains that the fact that it hasnt published a warning against a given provider of binary options does not necessarily mean that the provider in question does have a valid authorization.At the same time, the French regulator Autorit des Marchs Financiers (AMF) has updated its seemingly endless list of entities providing their services in the country without authorization. Following is the full list of unregulated binary options brands provided by the AMF.Finance Magnates is a global B2B provider of multi-asset trading news, research and events with special focus on electronic trading, banking, and investing.Copyright 2015 Finance Magnates Ltd. All rights reserved. For more information, read our terms and conditionsBinary options give the owner a fixed payout (which does not vary with the price of the underlying instrument) or nothing at all. Most Binary options are European-style theseare priced with closed-form equations derived froma Black-Scholes analysis, with the payoff determined at expiry.Supershare options are based on a portfolio of assets with shares issued against their value. Supershares pay a predetermined amount if the underlying asset is priced between an upper and lower value at expiry. The amount is usually a fixed proportion of the portfolio.Each country has its own financial regulator who is responsible for regulating binary option brokers, stock brokers, Forex dealers, and commodity exchanges. Some countries like those who are members of the European Union, accept brokers who are registered with one countries regulatory agency. For example, the arrangement EU countries have with CySEC, the regulator of binary option brokers in Cyprus.Each country has its own financial regulator who is responsible for regulating binary option brokers, stock brokers, Forex dealers, and commodity exchanges. Some countries like those who are members of the European Union, accept brokers who are registered with one countries regulatory agency. For example, the arrangement EU countries have with CySEC, the regulator of binary option brokers in Cyprus.A binary option is an all or nothing option. A binary call option pays a fixed cash settlement amount if at expiration the settlement value is above the strike price and would be worthless if settlement is below the strike price. Conversely, a binary put option pays a fixed cash settlement amount if at expiration the settlement value is below the strike price and would be worthless if settlement is above the strike price. Exercise and assignment activity results in the exchange of 100. No exchange of actual shares or units of the underlying occur.European-style. Binary options may be exercised only at expiration. Option writers are therefore not subject to early assignment. In-the-money options will be exercised automatically in lieu of other instructions and will result in a transfer of 100 from the seller to the buyer.Binary index options will settle based on the same settlement value that the standard underlying index options settle against. Specifically, on expiration, VIX binary options will settle against VRO. SPX binary options will settle against SET. If, at expiration, the price of the underlying security closes above the selected strike price, the call buyer receives a set payout per contract. If the underlying security closes at a price that is below the strike price on the expiration date, the call buyer receives nothing. As with traditional options, a binary option position may be liquidated (bought or sold to close) prior to expiration. Investors should be aware of the last opportunity to trade these products before the settlement value is derived.This web site discusses exchange-traded options issued by The Options Clearing Corporation. No statement in this web site is to be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell a security, or to provide investment advice. Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to buying or selling an option, a person must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Copies of this document may be obtained from your broker, from any exchange on which options are traded or by contacting The Options Clearing Corporation, One North Wacker Dr., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60606 (1-888-678-4667).We tried to find a binary options broker licensed by SEBI but could not find any. This is probably due to most binary option brokers busy focusing on the European markets and have not focused their attention and the many India based traders interested in Binary Option trading.Most binary option brokers are still working on translating their websites into the popular European and Asian languages and the bottom of their list is Hindi or Bengali. This has not deterred traders from Mumbai, Delhi amp Bangalore from trading binary options. We found one binary options broker called One Two Trade who has translated their site into Hindi, see here.