The process of automated trading began as a convenient way for traders to execute trades specific to stocks and forex pairings. Since then however, this trading method has gained popularity among many other trading formats, including binary trading.These electronic trades can be performed without a live person initiating the trade and can instead be executed via a robot service. Historically, many participants involved in this type of trading are those associated with institutional trading firms. Professional traders, such as investment firms specializing in the buying and selling of stocks for mutual and pension funds, manage their trades using these automated trading platforms to minimize risk and therefore arrive at more efficient trading outcomes.In binary options trading, traders enlist the help of an automated trading approach. Subsequently, when making automated binary options trades, traders can often expect the same degree of risk protection as well as benefiting from the simplified method. It is also important that traders utilize a variety of trading tools to enhance their trading success. Binary options robots are one such tool that can be incorporated into a binary options trading strategy. The EZTrader platform has an extensive educational center that can also be advantageous to any one trading with binary options.Although automated trading can help traders to execute trades and simplifies the process somewhat, experienced traders know the importance of managing their risk. Even if you use automated trading, you still need to be as informed as possible about the trades youre making in order to maximize the amount of profit that can be gained. Binary options robots work hand-in-hand with your own understanding of the market.Once you activate a trading robot, you can pre-program their trades, preparing the robot to execute trades on their behalf. One specification that can be attached to a trading algorithm and also a main benefit of using a trading robot is that the bot, itself can help determine the timeframe for when the trade will be most appropriate. For example, while some traders may struggle with pinpointing the best time to make a trade, the automated program will only initiate a trade if a positive return is a likely outcome. This key feature can provide traders with the additional support and confidence they require during the trading process.While trading with automated robots does offer traders another facet to add to their trading repertoire, it does not offer a 100 guarantee that a successful trading result will occur. This is the reason why obtaining the proper amount of knowledge is important.Using a bot to trade binary options online has become increasingly popular. There are many bots available, each with different levels of accuracy. One of the leading bots is Ultimate4Trading, which works only with regulated brokers and has a free demo account.Binary options trading using robots does offer traders the ability to trade with greater ease. However, the most effective way to succeed is still to devote time and effort to learning the ins and outs of trading, as well as keeping a watchful eye on the ever-evolving financial markets.The Austrian regulator explains that an unlicensed provider is not entitled to provide investment services in Austria requiring a licence. The provider is therefore not allowed to perform commercial portfolio management by managing portfolios for individual customers who authorise a certain degree of management discretion where the customer portfolio contains one or more financial instruments.The second entity warned against by the Austrian watchdog is100percentprofitbot. This is a website promoting a binary options robot. Interestingly, the marketing video for thisrobot claims that all other robots sold in the same manner are scams, working with the brokers against the clients and that only this robot is the real deal.The FMA explains its motivation and says that, pursuant to the 2007 Securities Supervision Act, it discloses to the general public by publication on the Internet, in the official gazette Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung, or and additionalnewspaper with nationwide circulation, that a particular natural or legal person is not entitled to carry out certain investment services, provided this person has given cause for such action and informing the general public is deemed necessary and reasonable in the light of possible disadvantages for those concerned.I said to my self, when I start making it big in binary options trade, I would help every trader become big just like me, I have lost so much in the past and I know how it feels like losing so much income in trading, lets put an end to all this with my new binary options trade strategy I am willing to help you out feel free to email mewilliamferderickgmailFinance Magnates is a global B2B provider of multi-asset trading news, research and events with special focus on electronic trading, banking, and investing.Copyright 2015 Finance Magnates Ltd. All rights reserved. For more information, read our terms and conditionsFairBinaryOptions ,- .- .- , .., . Fair Binary Options iGB, , . Binaryoptions,comFBO, , ., . , . ,,. Binary Option Robot , 101 . Binary Option Robot. Binary Option Robot, . Binary Option Robot .2013 . , 3000 . : , John . , Optionsclick ,. , 299 2013, ., John. , WGM Services 299. , ., . , . Binaryoptions , . Binaryoptions , ., 2008 . , .. , . , , . , . , . , Lionive Binary Options Broker, . x ax.Information on FairBinaryOptions should not be seen as a recommendation to trade binary options. FairBinaryOptions is not licensed nor authorized to provide advice on investing and related matters. Information on the website is not, nor should it be seen as investment advice. Clients without sufficient knowledge should seek individual advice from an authorized source. Binary options trading entails significant risks and there is a chance that clients lose all of their invested money. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns.This website is independent of binary brokers featured on it. Before trading with any of the brokers, clients should make sure they understand the risks and check if the broker is licensed and regulated.