Julian Wong Binary Option

Well, the result of the robot trading so far has shown 100 losing trades I am sure it has shown a very impressive result, when you tested it. I hope your reader read my comments alongside with your recommendations, which were made obviously with one thing in mind, namely, to lure unsuspecting victims to rogue brokers to get affiliate commissions. You ought to be ashamed of what you are doing, under the disguise of scam watchdog. It is more appropriate to call yourself scam lapdog1. Yes, it told you register with UK Options. It chose from the broker wheel, out of probably 30 brokers or so, UK Options. You just seem to fundamentally misunderstand how these systems work. They use multiple brokers, to accommodate people from different countries.2. Of course UK Options said that. They are a scam broker. They will say that about any trading bot, especially one that is EFFECTIVE Again, Trend Trader has little control over what brokers are shown to people, as Trend Trader uses a third party company to connect clients to brokers.3. Im sorry if the trading bot didnt work out for you, but its very possible UK Options simply caused any winning trades to lose. Brokers execute the trades, not the trading bot, and if you have a bad broker, they can manipulate the trades. I educate people on this all the time, but you obviously dont read my materials or site very carefully to learn that.Apart from Trend Trader, you actively flog some know scams, such as Home Profit Group, Rock the Stocks, Copy the Pro, Binary Matrix Pro, etc. All of which have been blacklisted by your fellow watchdogs, and attracted hundreds of complaints. If I were you, I would find some other way to make a honest living than helping scammers to rip off the innocent, needy and vulnerable. Shame on youI do not believe they are scams. What evidence do you have they are scams I realize there are some bad reviews out there, but there are multiple reasons why people post bad reviews (i.e. they get mad when they lose 8212 Im sorry, but trading involves risk and losing does happen, or they end up with a bad broker but blame the trading bot instead, or there are plenty of fake, scam review sites that trash every, single product on the market and send people over to their own products to make money 8212 for example, These are all scams, but try my REAL product that works They all do this, its so transparent, too, they dont even hide it).Ive said over and over and over 8212 constantly 8212 that BROKERS are the ones who ultimately execute the trades. If you end up with a bad broker, it doesnt matter how good your trading bot is. So, there is a LOT of misunderstanding by people on how this works. They sign up for a trading bot, it loses, then they blame the trading bot, without realizing only the brokers have the right to execute the trades, and bad brokers can easily manipulate trades into the losing column if they want to.My fellow watchdogs are mostly liars and scammers. I dont trust them. My readers and followers know about this. Of course they call everything a scam, they do it to lure people into their own schemes, usually their own product or trading system. This is a common tactic. Notice how these watchdogs have ADVERTISEMENTS all over their sites Sadly, you seem highly naive on how these people work.I dont know what else to say. I recommend you simply go follow the recommendations of people you like, leave me alone from now on, because you obviously do not like me, youre very negative, and you seem to just fundamentally not understand how binary options work or you refuse to learn.But you have tested the Trend Trade bot, which according to your recommendations, worked like magic. The bare fact is the bot will deducted precisely the same amount from my account, no more and no less, like clockwork. No real trading, manual or via robot, could possibly show such consistency. It should go down the Guiness Book of Records as the most consistent robotOf course it will not deduct the same amount from your account as it would mine. THE BROKERS EXECUTE THE TRADES, NOT THE TRADING BOT. Every broker has varying speeds at which they execute trades, and some are even bad brokers that CHANGE trades on the fly.If you told your readers that you got a good start so far, you must be a blatant liar or on drugs, or both Unless we are using different bots, my bot would have won a gold medal on the longest run of consistent losses of the same magnitude. I might as well warn your readers here not to believe your mendacious test results, and stay well clear of Trend Trader. They will thank me for that.that is why, option mint is enough fo me to have a bad broker, and the picked broker by ITC are not on good brokers list so I just put it off, but other frrom my country are lucky to be given a good broker like spot option and happy with it. But I was given bad brokers so we dont have the same result as him.that is why, option mint is enough for me to have a bad broker, and the picked broker by ITC are not on good brokers list so I just put it off, but other frrom my country are lucky to be given a good broker like spot option and happy with it. But I was given bad brokers so we dont have the same result as him.If you provide me with the site of the broker with whom you did your tests on Trend Trader, I would spend another few hundred dollars to try to replicate your own tests of the bot. In the event it produced comparable results, Ill make a public apology to you about my previous criticism of you. I take this opportunity to expose one of the worst rogue brokers, namely, UK Options. These are the steps to ensure that youll empty your account within a matter of days. (1) Using Trend Trader and its bot as a front to lure the unsuspicious and especially the inexperienced with the assurance that their bot has a success rate over 85, with 100 payout on every successful trade. (2) The moment you have made a deposit, some big gun broker would step in to pressure you to make very large deposits, so that he could trade for you, doubling your deposit in a day if you declined, and insisted to try out the bot first for yourself, he would turn nasty and warned you that the bot would burn you out in no time for sure.