The total assets list and number is expiry times in not particularly impressive however the basics are there at your fingertips. The variety of Option Types and flexible expiry times, ranging from 15 minutes to 24 hours allows traders to their own unique trading strategies and money management techniques tailored to their appetite for risk.Customer Service: 8/10Opteck offers high quality and efficient customer support service. Using personalized live chat system allowing every customer to consult quickly and easily with a representative 24/7. While writing this Opteck review we found that their committed to helping their customers with due care and patience. Opteck understands that a positive reputation is important and so treats all of its customers with the attention and respect they deserve.Payout Rates: 9/10Most Opteck reviews will show that the platform offers different payout rates depending on the type of option and expiry time. High/Low options allow from 65 to 85 payout, while unique One-Touch system offers 100 payout on each trade. This style of One Touch options is far from what you might be used to and can be much more profitable.Market Analysis Department: 10/10This is a category we normally do not discuss however while reviewing Opteck we found that members are supported by market analysis department comprised of professional traders with experience on Forex and Stock Exchanges. Not only do they guarantee access to the most up-to-date and relevant information shared on special site dedicated to market analysis, but provides live account members with accurate trading signals on all asset classes.Deposits amp Withdrawals: 10/10Opteck proudly offers the most credible and secured payment methods of deposit and withdrawal: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, WebMoney, CashU, WesternUnion and Wire Transfer. CashU and WebMoney are not offered by most brokers so if you are an account holder with either of these online banking institutions Opteck is an excellent choice for you.Strategizing your investments is critical for your overall binary options trading success. Just as trades vary, applying the correct binary option strategy is also a dynamic art all traders ought to master. In order to obtain minimal financial risk, reach maximum trading flexibility and simplify the entire trading process, we have gathered below some of the top trading strategies today39s traders frequently apply. Read more about the different strategies onwebtradingviewHaving a better control of your binary option trades is essential to your understanding about the financial markets behavior. The more you apply and follow these trading strategies, the more probability there is that your trade will end as a successful one.Applying the hedging/straddle binary options strategy is comprised of a simultaneous trade on one asset in opposite directions. This trading strategy includes risk management features which prevent you from enduring a full loss of your traded invested capital and the substantial chance to profit. The strategy is based on the presumption thatwhat goes up, must come down, and it works as follows:Despite the positive direction the trade has taken, traders ought to know that the potential threat of a sudden shift of the asset39s general direction continuously lurks their trades. The accepted solution here would be to make an opposing investment.If in step 1, your general direction leads you to invest in a ldquoCall option, in step 3 you will invest in a ldquoPut option. Consequently, you39re now trading both ldquoCall and ldquoPut options, thereby minimizing the risk of losing on both options, and maximizing the chances of gaining from one of them.In other words, the hedging binary trading strategy guarantees you39ll end up ldquoin the money- its risk management in its finest form. To make things even better, if by the end of the trade the asset39s market price was between the striking price of your first and second investments, you can actually end up benefiting from both trades.Example:The table below represents the USD/JPY price for a potential ldquoCall option. Let39s assume the price will breach the descending trend line.Normally, if you invest 200 in the USD/JPY option, as displayed on the chart above, and the asset39s return is 85, you either lose your 200, or alternatively, if you implement the above mentioned strategy, in the event that the trade ends up ldquoIn the Money, you gain 170-even if one the options expires ldquoOut of the Money.Applying the straddle binarystrategy will spring different results to your trade. If all of the conditions are correct the price movement is in your predicted direction and you39re ldquoIn the Money, you can take this investment to a whole new level by investing in an opposingldquoCall option.Generally speaking, there are 2 possible outcomes to this specific scenario:During the beginning and ending of round hours, assets tend to undergo unexpected surges (both upwards and downwards). These surges also occur prior to, during, and after important market announcements and are exactly what you should look for in order to apply the Correction binary trading strategy. The principle of this strategy is founded on the Correction rule. The rule states that if a price of an asset surges upwards or downwards and a gap appears between the current and previous price of the asset, the asset will then correct itself, and return back (close the gap) to its previous price.Now that you know how the Correction rule affects an asset39s market price, it is possible to leverage from it. Using the graphs39 support and resistance lines, or the trend line that appears in technical analysis, you can identify price gaps. The Correction strategy asks you to detect such gaps and then execute a binary option trade in the opposite direction.Because of their all-or-nothing character, binary options offer traders a great way to trade on the direction of an asset or the overall market.