For example, SampP to finish up on the day was just 5 for a 100 close on the evening this article was written, but the market was down seven SampP points (around 0.6). The chances of a rally to countermand the depreciating value of this option were highly unlikely.Those who are trading these strategies successfully are not making a big noise about it, for obvious reasons. The key to success is how you trade these opportunities. Greed is still the greatest enemy as traders will regularly over trade. For every multi-bagger one needs to realize that one will often lose ones capital to the binary company and they will be bagging your money to their bottom line.Binary Options are alsoknown as Digital Options, all-or-nothing options, or Fixed Return Options, those are a simple way to trade price fluctuations in multiple global markets. A Binary Option is in essence a Prediction on which direction the value of an underlying asset will move by a designated expiration time.WHAT RETURN WILL I GET IN CASE OF A SUCCESSFUL INVESTMENTA successful investment at RTG DIRECT Trading Group Limited will result in a guaranteed return of between 65-90 of the initial amount invested. The payout for each successful trade is written on the trading frame for the underlying asset that you selected.For example, if you invested 2,000in a Google CALL option that pays 80 and at the time of expiry the level was higher than the level at the time of your investment you will receive a return payout of 1,500.WHAT IS A PUT OPTIONAn option that provides the holder with a profit when the underlying asset Falls in value relative to the purchase (execution) rate level. In the event that the option expires at exactly the same price, the full original investment amount will be returned to the investor.WHAT IS A CALL OPTIONAn option that provides the holder with a profit when the underlying asset Rises in value relative to the purchase (execution) rate level. In the event that the option expires at exactly the same price, the full original investment amount will be returned to the investor.WHAT IS DOUBLE UPIf your option is close to the expiry time, and you think that the direction you predicted is correct and you want the opportunity to double your possible return, then you have the chance to double it by clicking on Double Up.By doing this, youll create a new trade with the same conditions, for the current price of the asset.WHAT IS ROLLOVERRTG DIRECT Trading Group Limited is glad to present the Rollover feature/add more time, its a powerful risk mitigation, stop loss strategy that allows you to postpone the expiry of your option. When the market disagrees with you and it looks as though your prediction is not going to meet your target by the upcoming expiry date, simply activate Rollover with the click of a button. This gives you another opportunity to close the option in profit.Rollover Benefits: Postpone the options expiry time. Utilize a powerful stop loss strategy. Turn loss into gain with time on your side. The Roll over is available up to 10 minutes before the Expiry. Get 50 higher returns when your option expires successfully for an added 50 investment.WHY DO THE RATES CONTINUE TO CHANGE BEFORE I MAKE A DECISIONRTG DIRECT Trading Group Limited trading rates are synced to the markets, which are dynamic and change all the time. The fluctuations in the market, in currency rates, and in other parameters, affect our fully automated pricing engine.For your convenience, we developed the Market News section and Reuters which displays market data in real time and can give you an indication as to whether the rates are going up or down. When the Reuters rates in the bar are blue it means they went up since the last update, when they are red it means they went down since the last update.WHAT IS THE EXPIRATION RATEThe expiry rate is the price / value of the underlying asset at the time of expiry. This is the determining level if the option has expired successfully or not. A different expiry rate is determined for each underlying asset.WHAT ARE THE RATES DISPLAYED IN THE TRADING BOXESRates are the quoted prices of the underlying assets at any given time. The return on investment rates(usually between 65-90) we present in the trading boxes are those at which RTG DIRECT Trading Group Limited is willing to sell the following options.HOW CAN I INVESTTo invest at RTG DIRECT Trading Group Limited you only have to choose between CALL or PUT options for a given underlying asset. Clicking on the CALL / PUT button will open an investment sheet in the same box, where you will be requested to enter the amount of the investment and to approve execution. The selection may be canceled by clicking on X at any time before approval of the transaction. Please note that the rate keeps updating in the investment sheet.If, for example, you purchased a binary option for shares of a particular company , the contract is likely to stipulate that you would receive a fixed return if the shares of that company are trading above a strike price at the expiration date of the option i.e. if the contract expires in the money.Binary options are considered a relatively simple way to trade because the participating trader only needs to understand market direction. The risk involved is clear from the outset, as is the potential return and that return can be achieved even if the contract only just expires in the money e.g. by a single pip .Binre Optionen bieten eine aufregende Mglichkeit zu handeln durch das Vorhersagen der Richtung von Marktpreisen von Whrungen, Aktien, Rohstoffen und Inzides ber eine Zeitperiode, die vom Trader festgelegt wird. Binre Optionen sind simpel und haben nur zwei mgliche Ausgnge: Entweder luft die Option im Geld (Ihre Vorhersage war richtig) oder aus dem Geld (Ihre Vorhersage war falsch) aus.