Oftentimes, this is a bad profit situation. The trading method may be netting you 64, but another trading method which is a better fit for your personality may net you 70 or 80. The more time and energy you invest in a system that does not suit you, the more opportunity you are giving up to start winning with a method that does fit you. It is all too easy in life to settle for less. Learning a new system is challenging. But there may be something better out there for you.This is closely related to the above situation, but may not be interchangeable with it. You might have a trading method which is right for you, but you may be misapplying it by trying to use it in the wrong market contexts. Maybe you have a system designed for flat markets, and you keep trying to use it in trending situations, or vice versa. Or perhaps you are a momentum trader, but you keep trading during times of low volatility. Or maybe you keep trying to place 60 Second trades because it is all the rage, but you are more profitable when you stick with longer expiry times.Why this is a bad profit: Again, even if you are profitable doing these things, they may be stopping you from seeing you that you could be more profitable if you stuck with friendlier contexts. Trade the timeframe and market context that fits both your personality and your trading method, and you will get better results.Another bad decision in any business it to work with the wrong people. Picture this scenario: You are a struggling trader who is searching desperately for an edge, and you meet someone who has one. You get to know each other and start working together. The other trader is helping you learn his techniques and has even loaned you some money to help you get started. But you are sharing that trading account, and he is difficult to deal with. Maybe he attacks you every time you make a mistake, or there are no clear terms over how the money will be split and when. You do not trust him, and he gets you down. He makes you feel incompetent and worthless.Why this is a bad profit: While you may be picking up new trading skills and growing your abilities, you are also dealing with a toxic individual. Odds are good he will steal your percentage later down the line, and even if he does not, he is stealing your time and dampening your confidence. His is a stressor, and over time, he will probably make your trading worse in many respects. This is a situation where you probably should take what you have learned and move on. If he is withholding useful information, he is playing power, and will only do you worse turns in the future. You can bet those bad turns will cost you money and more.Your trading method should tell you more than just which trades to takeit should also include rules for exiting your trades. If those rules do not make sense or you do not follow them appropriately, you can lose money. Consider a situation where you have lost some trades and become discouraged, so you start using the early close tool to capture partial profits more often than you used to. You know that according to your tested trading method you should not do this, but you are scared of losing money. You justify your actions because you are still maintaining a high win percentage, and you are making money.Why this is a bad profit: Yes, you are continuing to make money, and you are still doing it consistently, but your partial profits are substantially smaller than the full profits you should be making, and you may only be marginally improving your win percentage. If you were to run a test with these new exit rules (which you should), you might well discover that you are actually cutting into the profits you could be making and likely would be making if you were not abusing the early close function. These smaller profits tempt you away from the bigger profits you should be making, so they are bad profits.If you have a system that allows you to do this without consequence, more power to you. But if you get dubious results on dubious days, you may want to rethink those Friday trades, weekend trades, and holiday tradeseven if sometimes you make money.Why this is a bad profit: Maybe you have made money trading at questionable times before, but if it encourages you to turn it into a habit, it may end up costing you money over time. These are challenging and dangerous times to place trades, because the market is subject to extra volatility and unpredictability. You may feel like you have a handle on things, but odds are you do not. Eventually, these trades will probably end up taking a toll.Here is another excellent example of a bad profit. Bonuses are exciting to many novice traders, who look at them as free money. It is hard to say no when a broker offers you 200 free to open up an account, or even more than that. Why would you ever say no to free moneyWhy this is a bad profit: The reason that accepting a bonus is a bad idea is because it is not so much a bad profit as it is an illusory one. There is no such thing as free money, and if you have been offered hundreds of dollars to open a binary options account, you had better bet it is with strings attached. Typically, those strings take the form of a turnover requirement. You usually need to trade the amount of the bonus your initial deposit 30-40 times before you are allowed to withdraw the bonus. Worse, it can make it hard to withdraw any of your money until you have met the turnover requirement. So while 200 in your account balance may seem like a great thing right now, the long-term are not worth it.Auto-trading programs and signal services are promoted as the easy way to make money trading binary options. You sit back and let the program do all the hard work. Ostensibly, you can head to the beach and sip a margarita and watch the sunset while profits stack up in your account. For a while, it may even work, but I would argue these are almost always bad profits if you do not keep them in perspective.Why this is a bad profit: Auto-trading may pay off over the short term, but there are multiple ways it can cost you money over time.