Binary Options Trading Or Gambling

Earlier today when I checked my back office the balance was still the same 219 and in fact my broker account log printout confirms my two other prior requested withdrawals had been cancelled. NOT By Myself, and the third withdrawal request is still marked pending binary boom is scam..they show autotrading with more than 85 sucesss rate but when you deposit there is no automatic trading..they say that the creator of the software has dismantled the auto trade as there are too many signals..all lies..cause in this website you can see the auto trade thats how he lures everyone to deposit for his software..scammer..i had tried crisis killer, auto quick income, legal insider bot, john callangan 810,oz trader and much more..all are scam, so beware ReplyHello,What is wrong with oneclickautotrader The site is not available online again and anytime I try to check the site, it is godaddy that it always goes where it will be asking me if I want to buy the domain name. What is happeningYou can try the site yourself.Thanks. ReplyAutoTradingbinary and Citrades are 100 scammers. A very well thought out, elaborate, scam. I have a little story I have to tell of how I was scammed out of 5K by ATB and Citrades. Im going to use actual names here, I think that these people should be exposed for what they are.I contacted ATB and said that I wanted to talk to someone about setting up an account, because I really was blown away by the results they were posting at the ATB wesbite. This was my first mistake. NO autotrading algorithm is going to be this good. And if it is and is not kept secret the promoters are morons. I forget the guys name that I initially spoke to, lets call him scumbag, but he put my in contact with Steve Philips at Citrades. See the two really are the same company, and if not on the surface, they sure are behind the scenes. So, Steve was quick to call me and chat me up on Skype, very friendly. This was all before I opened and funded an account. Now, at the onset Steve never mentioned any minimum trading requirements, never said my money would be locked up for 6 months, nothing when he was trying to get my credit card information. I expressed my concern, told him I wanted no bonus, so that I could withdrawal my money at any time. He still never told me about any requirements and I was told everything will be fine. Admittedly, I should have went and read the fine print, absolutely, anyone should, I made a mistake, and it cost me 5K. And Steve was more than happy to point that out. He was right, I should have read the fine print, however, that doesnt change the fact that ATB and Citrade are working together in this scam and that Steve was completely misleading and intentionally withheld information from me.So, after my account was all set up, I was excited, I went in to the back office of ATB and to my surprise their was no portfolio to choose like the ones described on the website ATB shows performance results from different portfolios with different risk tolerances. But, there is NOTHING like that available in your administrative back office. I was confused and asked for some help. Basically, you have a list of about 7 or so strategies to choose from, but NONE come close to what they post on the website. I was told by ATB that I have to rotate the strats in order to get the results they post on the ATB website. Rotate Wow, was never told that at the onset either. How do I know when to rotate the strats I said Nothing, nada, zip from ATB. In short, they simply MAKE UP the results they post on the ATB website. I have been a member for over 6 months (my money is slowly being traded away by their great autotraders) and I have never seen ANY evidence of the trades they post on the ATB site. The daily results they report MADE UP So, not only do you have to place 50K worth of binary option trades before you can withdrawal your money (it is a 10X rollover if you take a bonus I believe, 10X, insane) and keep your money their for 6 months, but you have zero help or guidance. Clearly, I have been pretty angry about this over the past 6 months and have definitely said some nasty things to both of them. Real nasty. Of course, no reply They are all con-artists, but they are cowards and there is so many on the internet that it is sickening.On this page you will find the highest performing binary options signals services For the complete terminology of signals and a few tips on how to use the binary options signals, scroll down below and get familiarized with the concept or following professional traders via SMS, Email and SoftwareA signal is delivered via email, SMS or Skype and is designed to inform traders about a recent trading opportunity. The signal includes the assets information, price and expected expiry. Signals may be sent on anywhere between a 5 minutes and 24 hours expiry depending on the service.If you are on-the-go and trading via mobile application, the smartest choice for you would be to ask to receive SMS alerts. Not all services offer SMS alerts and as an alternative you can always download an Email Mobile App, Google and Yahoo offer an email application that you can download directly to your smart phone. If you decide to receive email alerts, you need to make sure you are next to your PC, Mac or Tablet during the services Trading Hours, otherwise you might be wasting your money and letting signals pass by you while you are not around to trade.The concept of a live trading room integrates education, hands on practice and Copy Live Trading all in one solution. In most cases the Live Trading Rooms are not offers via online members area and instead traders are required to download the Live Webinar Software. If you are looking for a high performing Live Trading Room you should look into Taurus Signals.