This is based on the fact that most of the potentially malicious activity occurred when Joe was on vacation with his family in Florida. However, the Internet searches for books related to hacking and license cracks are indicative of the fact that his machine may have been used by an unknown suspect. Who could it be Who had access to Joe39s machine when he was away on vacation For the next article in this series we will examine additional investigative leads by performing an in-depth review of Joe39s hard drive and the web activity of all other browsers installed on the system.As of XP SP2 (I think) you can use the unix-like function of typing the first few characters, then tapping the TAB key to autocomplete the line. If there are multiple options for the autocomplete, then it will cycle through them in alphabetical order with each press of the TAB key..Another tool worth looking at is IEHistory view from the nirsoft site. It will automatically parse through the main History.IE5 index.dat file, and recursively through the subdirectories. It39s good on live systems (but not forensically sound method) and dead systems after you have carved the History folder from the evidence file.Nirsoft also has some very cool tools for parsing USB device lists, protected password storage areas (when you click remember me..guess where that goes) and a miryad of other useful ultilities. Careful with some of the password tools, AV detects them as hacking tools and will delete/quarantine them for youImagine making substantial profits with your pocket change in only a single minute of time. 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