As the price of a stock or commodity does not directly affect you, the opportunities for making large profits with binary trading are much better, making the chance to trade options for a living a very real and potentially lucrative one.Because binary option trading offers an all or nothing outcome, while the potential for greater profits is exciting, trading these options can also lead to fast losses if you get too emotional with your trading. If you are options trading for a living the last thing you want is to be in a situation where you risk future revenues because you have been careless with certain trades.The biggest thing you can do to experience trading before doing it for real is to use an options trading simulator. This will enable you to replicate the choosing of an asset and placing a call or put trade, as well as the wait to see whether you succeeded.Depending on how you want to trade binary options, you should also look at the various types of trades on offer, such as 60-second trades and one-touch trades. These are usually better for experienced traders, but they are worth knowing, so they can act as a work-towards within your personal trading career.As important as learning various strategy tips and training yourself to become a smart trader and investor is, so is having the knowledge when you can sell options that are out of the money. This is critical for managing losses, as you may be able to sell a call or put option prior to expiry to another trader who is willing to take a chance.At the same time, the fact that binary trading is easy to get started with does not mean you should think it is an easy way to make a living. Treating options trading for a living as a get rich quick scheme will only lead to you being too hasty and not learning everything you need to know about binary trading before you get started, and ultimately you will be likelier to make bad decisions and endure potentially heavy losses.You will also need to build at least a basic knowledge of the finance industry, particularly around dates when markets are likely to be volatile, such as economic announcements by governments and the release of business results from across various industries. These have the potential to impact on a wide variety of areas, and if you are well-informed you can take advantage of the trends and maximise your returns.Let us break this question down into two parts. The first part will look at how much money you need to get started. The answer is you do not need much at all, but if you see heavy losses when you first start trading and are getting used to doing it full-time, you could easily see your funds quickly running out. If you do have a small amount of money to trade with, use this on smart, likely to be safe and profitable trades, so that you can build up your funds for when you do start trading options for a living.Secondly, you will need to consider how much money you need to make to live, plus what amount of disposable income you would be happy with. You can break this down annually, monthly, daily, or whatever works best for you. Whatever you do, you need to land at a figure that would deliver the lifestyle you desire, as well as enabling you to save for retirement, pay for any health insurance, and other expenditure, and then analyse whether earning this sum is realistic from options trading alone.Given the sums of money you can make from options trading are almost unlimited, especially when you consider one-touch trades can deliver up to a 500 return on investment, your biggest consideration will be the level of risk you are happy to take to achieve such an income. If the risk exceeds what you are comfortable with, what is your plan for carrying on You also should think about whether you want to skim some of your early profits to reinvest back into trading to grow your capital fund. Over time, this will allow you to take more risk and potentially target options that are more lucrative.There is nothing wrong with being a risk taker. However, when you are trading options for a living, it is not the same as having a few trades during your downtime at work. All of the trades you do will have a direct impact on your life, so the risks you take should be calculated, smart risks that are justified by the potential rewards.If you still find yourself tempted by a risky trade, then you should never put yourself in a position where you are going all in. Unfortunately, you are the only person who can control what you do here. You might decide that 50 is the maximum of your total capital that you are going to trade with, for example. Ensure you settle on a figure that leaves you enough to slowly build your finances back up with less risky trades should things go wrong.When you become an experienced trader you might also be able to acquire portfolio margin. This is essentially a credit line that allows you to trade more than what you have. Beware that you need to prove you are a successful trader in order to do this, however, as no one is going to give you 600 of your capital to trade with if you cannot prove a return is more than likely.However, you need to know that, while you can learn about binary options trading reasonably quickly, it is a little bit like learning to drive, in that what you learn after learning, and gain through experience, is what really matters. Experienced binary traders are still learning about what they do, even today. If you start exploring binary trading, think you might have an opportunity to start options trading for a living, but then get disheartened, think realistically. It takes years to become an expert trader, although if you dedicated an hour or two each day to learning about the different platforms and understanding how it works, you would probably find yourself in a position to start trading for a living after 9 12 months, depending on how quickly you learn.If you do not have time to learn all about binary options trading for yourself, then it is unlikely you will be able to make a living from it.