I am very upset and cannot recommend the AIP bot providers that did this to me.I am looking for a good binary trader program option fm keeps hitting my card when I told there is no money on it . they said to hold a spot they need to hit it . after they hit it they hit it 3 more times once with a different company like they knew they where blocked by the company I havent signed up yet it sounds to good to be true. anybody have any information on rb options that would be nice . please write back.what FCA regulated brokers would you use I am new to trading and I have looked at hundredsof binary options but most require a large deposit to the broker first, to regsiter with and some are so hyped up alot of them appear to be scams. Even some of the reviews I am not sure of and if some have been exposed and hence thats why they are infiltrating the internet saying other brokers are scammers. Even Mikes auto trader having seen they use Banc de binary which have had loads of complaints and is cysec regulated, I dont trust. Please can you shed some light as alot of them all seem to be affiliates with expert marketing strategies ..just dont want to lose my money as Im not working full time but want to establish a genuine income online., , -. , .. Frontstocks, 2013 . , . -, . IQ Option .:92,73 ., AUTO BINARY .., BINARY PILOT- . , .uTrader (), . uTrader .ABS , , . ABS , . TrustOrg/ / : 85 8212 .AutoBinarySignals , : .1. Profit in 60 Seconds. .2. 29.04.2014 1.05.2014. 90. 108, 52, 50, 6. 48,15. 70 : -12,6 . 66,64. : 8212 - 25 , , Auto Binary EA CedarFinance (Binary United) , . TBSF (Best Strategy Finance Ltd), CedarFinance, Regal Options ., . , - .rescon: . max 2 . 10 . . 10 8 2 . , , . ,37 , 1 . 2 1 .strike: 365 . 2 Mozilla.: 356-profit , . - , . , .Fedor: OPTIONAVIGATOR, . ,EZTrader, OPTIONAVIGATOR . , -. . .. ( ), , . , OptionRally , . . , -, , , , . 80 . GOLD SIGNALS , OptionRally.Gold Signals, , 100 , . -. , - , .: : , GOLD SIGNALS : tvoy-million binary-divergent/Account/Login ( ). . tvoy-million . . . . , , , - ., , .- Motrhead ))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) : , STOCKPAIR BANK DE BINARY . .. ( , ) practicalbinary. . 8212 1 9 10. 3000 USD, , 8212 8212 , , , - , ., . .. .. .. t .. ..1 .. .. .. .. .. verumoptionref15217.10.2015 ilya bogos: .. .. 1 .. . verumoptionuser/cabinet/partners/06.10.2015 Garry: Verum Option, , .01.10.2015 : . verum option..30.09.2015 Misha: : .29.09.2015 Fusion: , . , . verum option .18.09.2015 : . 2 , .ton:. .17.09.2015 Prihodinvest: 35 . 7000. , . , 16.09.2015 Goshaa: , .. , 7 . .. , . 100 . 15.09.2015 :. 470 . 2 .: , . 14.09.2015 : Verum Option Verumfx. , 5. , .14.09.2015 Timon : . , - -5, ,11.09.2015 Olga Kirichenko: .. , , .11.09.2015 : 2 , . ,, . 500 . .10.09.2015 traderok: 50. 3 , 8212 ,10.09.2015 Sunny men: Verum Option, .10.09.2015 Zorgo: , . , 300-400 . / 8212 ,07.09.2015 : , 8212 1 , ,1926.08.2015 : , 19.08.2015 : , 1550, 14.08.2015 Oppapa: 70-80. ,.Frt: . , .03.08.2015 Mitunya: 70 80 . , . ,30.07.2015 :,27.07.2015 : , -23.07.2015 : VerumFx. . , 22.07.2015 : Verum Option.17.10.2015 ilya bogos: .. .. 1 .. . verumoptionuser/cabinet/partners/06.10.2015 Garry: Verum Option, , .01.10.2015 : . verum option..30.09.2015 Misha: : .29.09.2015 Fusion: , . , . verum option .18.09.2015 : . 2 , .ton:. .17.09.2015 Prihodinvest: 35 . 7000. , . , 16.09.2015 Goshaa: , .. , 7 . .. , . 100 . 15.09.2015 :. 470 . 2 .: , . 14.09.2015 : Verum Option Verumfx. , 5. , .14.09.2015 Timon : . , - -5, ,11.09.2015 Olga Kirichenko: .. , , .11.09.2015 : 2 , . ,, . 500 . .10.09.2015 traderok: 50. 3 , 8212 ,10.09.2015 Sunny men: Verum Option, .10.09.2015 Zorgo: , . , 300-400 . / 8212 ,07.09.2015 : , 8212 1 , ,1926.08.2015 : , 19.08.2015 : , 1550, 14.08.2015 Oppapa: 70-80. ,.Frt: . , .03.08.2015 Mitunya: 70 80 . , . ,30.07.2015 :,27.07.2015 : , -23.07.2015 : VerumFx. . , 22.07.2015 : Verum Option.,, . ,., profitboosterapplicence-011/t0GJqNz00cYc91b7b94dba48179dd94f1642d86252c78231271038traff3531 . , , 8212 , - .HTML- :abbr acronym b blockquote cite cite code del datetime em i q cite s strike strongBinary Option Robot is one of the best free auto trading tools that trade with binary options instead of traders themselves. If you are a new trader without any experience, you can use this program very easily because it is specifically adjusted for traders without trading experience. Binary options require a lot of time to analyze the market trends, which can be difficult for traders who dont know much about this specific type of investments. That is why Binary Option Robot is a great trading software that does all those analytic and trades with binary brokers itself. There are also professional signal providers available who generate and send binary signals so traders have better and more successful trading results. This trading software is encouraging for the traders because it comes with a number of features which are discussed in this article.Most people dislike installing or downloading any software or applications on their devices. The great thing about best Binary Option Robot is that it requires no download. Basically, it operates directly from Cloud, which makes the trading process quite simple and easy for use. It is important to say that after registration, traders dont need to download any activation key, as it is the case for may other trading tools. After registration process traders will be granted with binary broker which they can later deposit with. After trader makes a deposit most of the work is done by Binary Option Robot, which handles the trade activities on the behalf of the registered trader.It is important to mention that best Binary Option Robot does not require any additional payments from the traders. Only required payment is depositing with brokers. Unlike most of the applications, Binary Option Robot offers binary signals completely free of cost. There are three available signal providers that generate binary signals and send them to Robot. The process of depositing money is simple and reliable, traders can choose between nine trustworthy brokers and deposit with as many brokers they want.