You will need to take into account, among other things, your experience, your knowledge of the financial markets, your risk level, your financial capacity, your budget, your needs and objectives. It is necessary to be fully aware that trading transactions may result in the partial or complete loss of funds that you deposit. Therefore, it is essential to only deposit what you can afford to lose. You must have integrated all the risks associated with trading prior to trading binary options. The guidance of an independent financial adviser can help you.Binary Options are instruments that allow the client to trade in price movements within the market / underlying instrument. The prices of the Company are based on instruments / underlying markets. The fluctuation of the underlying instrument will affect the clients profit. Therefore, it is recommended that the Client does not enter the field of binary options, unless s / he is willing to assume that the risk of losing all the invested money is high and that s / he could face commissions and / or other expenses.3. The prices of the shares that you choose to trade in the market will be influenced, among others, by the changing ratio between supply and demand, government programs and policies on trade, fiscal concerns, monetary market and exchange control, the national and international economic and political context, the policies in this area as well as the psychological characteristics of the market in question.6. Information on the past performance of binary options does not guarantee similar present and/or future performance or the performance of the said instruments. This does not constitute a sure prediction of the future performance of the binary options markets and instruments that this information relates to.7. The Client runs the risk that his/her binary options negotiations are or may be subject to taxes and / or any other forms of duties. This may be due to a change in the legislation or to changes due to personal circumstances. The Company does not guarantee that no tax or other duty will be payable. The client should be responsible for all taxes and / or any other charges that may result from their negotiations.Through one or more of its Services, BM can provide you with a wide range of financial information that is internally generated or obtained by agents, suppliers or partners. The Financial Information provided on this website does not constitute an investment advice. BM does not endorse or approve the Financial Information that we are making available as a simple service at your convenience. BM is only sharing the information and is not making a recommendation to invest real money. Therefore, BM can not be responsible for this bona fide sharing of information which could result in losses by the use of each trader.BM provides you with general advice which should in no way be considered as personalized advice tailored to your own personal situation. The information, analyzes, courses, studies, news articles or otherwise on the BM website do not constitute investment advice. They do not take into account your objectives. Hence, BM can not be held responsible for any loss or damage or shortfall that may result directly or indirectly from the use of information and analysis contained on the website.BM can not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, relevance and the order of the Financial Information, nor guarantee results related to your use of or your trust in the Financial Information. The Financial Information may quickly become unreliable for various reasons, such as changes in market or economic circumstances. BM is not required to update the information or the opinions contained in any Financial Information, and we reserve the right to stop providing the Financial Information at any time without notice. It is your duty to verify the accuracy of the information on the website and its suitability to your needs. We exclude our liability for any claim, loss or damage of any kind alleged to have been caused by the information presented or mentioned on the Website.The results obtained in our video and the examples that we presented on the website are hypothetical or simulated performance results. Simulated results do not represent actual trading. Because trades have not been actually carried out, the results can be different from reality because they do not take into account certain elements of the real market, including the lack of liquidity. Furthermore, we hereby inform you that the demo video on the website was carried out using a demo account. The invested money is fictitious. There is no guarantee that you would realize the same profits or losses suffered in our demo video or our historical or simulated performance.The performance of simulated or hypothetical results has certain limitations. Unlike real performance, simulated results do not represent the reality of the achieved trading performance. Given this websites results that have been derived from the simulation, the actual results from the use of the binary mathex software may be higher or lower than the ones shown.BM can not be held responsible for the traders failure to take into account the risks associated with online trading. In fact, BM is not responsible for and can not control the signal (its routing, power, and reception), your hardware (its configuration among others) or the reliability of the connection. Among others, the delay risks related to online trading can not be attributed to BM.The BM robot is a software provided through our website that you use at your own risk. This robot is capable of achieving gains as well as losses. The analysis provided by this robot is not sufficient for you to achieve gains. Hence, you are hereby aware and agree that trading robots have their own limit and can not surpass the human brain. Thus, you should recognize the risk that they represent.Binary options trading with the BM robot comprises a high risk level. This type of market is not suitable for all investors: It is necessary that you be sure that the binary options trading with the BM robot meets your investment objectives.