If there are no regulations in that jurisdiction you can lose all your deposits, and your profits. Some (very few) have your money insured by a third party such as Lloyds of London or other highly rated insurance institutes. Make sure your deposits are safe4) Trading Platform:There are a number of various trading platforms and technology used in the binary option and forex broker business. Some are untested and some are established. A platform that has been around for a few years will tend to have most of the bugs ironed out. Brand new technology has a habit of breaking on your right when you hit the execute button. Also, most of the option brokerages who are using stable platforms will offer you a much wider range of tradinginstruments and time schedules then the brand new spanking software. We recommend you find a broker with a lot of trading options and a well known platform. Ask, Do they offer 60 second trades, One touch mobile trades, long term trades, and a large basket of assets to choose from5) Age and Reputation:Unfortunately, there have been some very slick marketing promotions of new brokers who offer the world, say they will provide everything and the moon, get a ton of people to open accounts and start trading, and then close up shop without paying out profits, earnings and initial deposits. You need to find a company that has been in business for a while, has an online reputation, and is easy to contact by phone, chat and email. Risking your deposit to a fly-by-night upstart is not a first smart step in trying to profit from binary option trading.Depending on their investor profile investors can be divided into different groups. Some may be short-term investors who deal intra-day trading and others prefer to purchase and hold and theyre considered long-term investors. Some may like to diversify their asset over many instruments and others prefer to invest in one. Some are risk tolerant and some buy only in mid-cap. So, before you want to learn to trade options first find out about your profile because one strategy does not fit all the different personalities. There are many factors that develop the profile. Your investment goals, objectives, will then be inline with the answers you provide through the profile quiz.Investment Experience-You must report at least 5 years of stock trading, credit spread experience, and option trading. I realize that its a catch 22 if youre applying for credit spreads for the first time. You need credit spread experience to get approved. However, your broker doesnt want any liability in you trading financial instruments that you dont understand.Quiz-Some brokers like Optionsxpress have a quiz that you must pass, with a view to get approved for credit spreads. Make sure you understand the difference between net debit and net credit and can demonstrate the maximum loss or maximum gain for any given trade. Fidelity doesnt have a quiz as of the preparation of the present article.Minimum Equity Requirement-You are required to have 10, 000 minimum equity in your account to trade credit spreads. This may not change the application process. However, it will affect your capacity to make trades if youre approved. You will also need to provide the maximal loss of the trade upfront every time you trade, so that your broker doesnt risk losing money.The 37-year-old, who runs a crockery stall at Cardiff market, switched to the Co-operative Bank, which has a long-established ethical policy. The bank launched it more than 20 years ago, in 1992, and it covers four key areas: human rights, international development, ecological impact and animal welfare. The policy means the bank wont lend to firms that systematically fail to implement basic labour rights those involved in fossil-fuel extraction such as coal, oil and gas companies involved in animal testing for link to original articleNow if you wish to learn to trade options you must know your investment personality type so can potentially maximise your gain and cut off chances of loss by using strategies that are best placed to your personality type. Options are a type of security like stocks, mutual funds or bonds. They are often regarded as having better risk management options than other types of trading. So if youre an investor who prefers to have managed risk, then you should learn to trade options. As any wise investor you need to dispose of the right education before you start trading options. Go through some quality tutorials that will teach you options in a simple language and not overloaded with technical terms.When you choose an online training program to learn to trade options you should also look around for the services they offer. Some good training modules that will start you with options education, from the basics, online sessions on market intelligence run by actual experts, so that you will be able to address and clarify and doubts or concerns you may have, options trade recommendations, options trading strategies and much more. Going through your investor profile youll understand what option strategies are best suited to your risk profile.You must understand that trading options involves risk however this can be managed through the right strategies just like stocks or mutual funds. Your investor profile will give you a greater understanding of the risks and to draw to trade options with this support youll experience a stronger start. Options Trade Recommendations service can send notifications straight to your mobile phone. So all you would need to do is call your agent or put it on the trading platform. So, take your time and go through the training, as it is a vital stage in your success of options trading.Asbinary options trading continues togain prominence asanalternative investment andhedging vehicle, thenumber ofbinary options brokers entering thebusiness, totake aslice ofthemarket, has grown manifold. However, not all thebinary options brokers will suit atraders risk profile. Thus, it becomes vital forabeginner tosign up with aproper binary options broker so that unwanted future conflict is avoided andtrading can be commenced with peace ofmind.